Treat all within this realm with honor. Acts of disrespect, hostility, or harassment will tarnish your standing.
Remember, harmony among adventurers strengthens Tower Pixel’s foundation.
Seek not to gain unfair advantage through trickery or deceit. Cheating disrupts our sacred codes and shall be met with swift justice, banishing dishonorable players.
Words have power. Keep speech respectful and free of vulgarity, for even young squires roam these lands. Let your words be as noble as your deeds.
Claim your homestead and build your legacy. Unclaimed lands are open to all, so mark your territory wisely.
to protect your builds and avoid griefing.The economy is the lifeblood of our realm. Abide by the established rules to keep balance, lest greed disrupt prosperity for all.
and /trade
fairly. Scamming or exploiting the economy is not allowed.The Tower Pixel is a community, not a market square. Avoid promoting external realms or ventures, for such actions disturb the sanctity of our fellowship.