Player commands in TowerPixel’s Survival mode are key to enhancing your gameplay and interacting with the server.
These commands give you control over various aspects of your adventure, from managing your land to accessing special features.
Below are the commands unique to Survival that will help you navigate and make the most of your experience.
/menu – Opens the main navigation menu.
/spawn - Teleports you to the server's spawn, where new players first arrive and where you can access key areas of the server.
/places – Opens the menu for all available warps and teleportation points.
/rtp – Opens the menu to teleport to a random location in one of the worlds.
/daily – Opens the menu for completing daily challenges and earning rewards.
/shop - Opens the menu for the main shop, where players can buy and sell tiems.
/furnitures – Opens the menu for purchasing and accessing stored furniture.
/ce – Opens the Custom Enchantments menu for upgrades and enhancements.
/party – Opens the menu for managing your MCMMO Party.
/friends – Opens the menu for managing your friends list.
/leaderboards – Teleports you to the leaderboards to view top players.
/lands – Opens the GUI menu for managing your land.
/lands menu [menu] [additional] – Opens a specific menu within the GUI for your land or subarea.
/lands help [page] – Displays help information for a specific command or page.
/lands create – Creates a new land with the given name.
/lands delete <land | here> – Deletes a land or subarea.
/lands selection – Selects a region for claiming or modifying.
/lands claim – Claims the chunk or area you're standing in.
/lands claim [radius, auto, fill] – Claims chunks in a specified radius, automatically, or fills surrounding chunks.
/lands unclaim – Unclaims the chunk or area you're standing in.
/lands claimlist – Displays all claimed chunks for your land.
/lands merge – Merges another land with your current land.
/lands trust [area] – Grants trust to a player for the whole land or a specific area.
/lands untrust [area] – Removes trust from a player in the land or specific area.
/lands setrole <area | > – Sets a role for a player in a specific area or all areas.
/lands setowner – Transfers ownership of the land to another player.
/lands accept – Accepts an invitation to join a land or an ownership request.
/lands deny – Denies an invitation to join a land.
/lands invites – Displays all received land invitations.
/lands leave <land | here> – Leaves a land or subarea.
/lands chat [land] – Sends a message in the land's chat.
/lands info [land] – Displays information about a specific land or your current land.
/lands player – Displays information about a player’s land activities.
/lands map – Displays a map of claimed and unclaimed chunks.
/lands rename – Renames your land.
/lands setspawn – Sets the spawn point for your land.
/lands spawn [land] – Teleports you to the spawn of a specific land.
/lands list – Lists all lands created on the server.
/lands storage – Opens the virtual storage for your land.
/lands view – Visualizes land borders with particles.
/lands unstuck – Teleports you to the nearest unclaimed chunk if you're trapped inside a claim.
/lands confirmtp – Confirms an unsafe teleportation destination.
/money – Displays your current balance in Pixals (in-game currency).
/baltop – Shows the list of the richest players on the server.
/pay [player] [amount] – Sends Pixals to another player.
/balance – Shows your current balance of Pixals.
/towergems – Displays your current balance of TowerGems (the server’s premium currency).
/auction or /ah – Opens the Auction House menu, where players can list and sell items.
/trade [player] – Opens a trade interface with another player to exchange items and Pixals.